Bullet delivery and fulfillment news 2021.03.26
Bullet delivery and fulfillment news 2021.03.26
Greetings friends,
I hope that most of you around the world are now enjoying your copies of Bullet♥︎! Canada and the UK remain our last major zones to ship out, and things are in motion to begin those soon.
We had a lot of great ideas for Orange even back during Heart. In the past, we've often offered expansions during a Kickstarter Project, and this has led to sometimes years-long delays.
This time we decided to try something different—deliver the base game quickly and do a separate launch for the expansion. I hope that you'll support the continuing development of Bullet by picking up a copy of Orange next Tuesday!
We're just about finished up with Bullet, but we still have some cool content to share with you over the next few weeks, and we'll continue to make updates until the bulk of fulfillment and replacement parts are in stock.
In the meantime, if you're looking for a community to talk about Bullet, we encourage you to join our Discord (https://discord.gg/3GyVdTM) to chat with fellow gamers, or go to BoardGameGeek and leave your rating. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/307305/bullet/ratings?rated=1&pageid=1
Please leave a Review or Rating!
It's been a difficult year and we can all use a little positivity. If you're enjoying Bullet♥︎, we humbly ask you to leave us a rating on BoardGameGeek.
Reviews and positive feedback are a big part of a successful launch. You may not realize it, but your review can tip the balance towards future Bullet expansions and more games coming out in this exciting new world. So please, even if it's just a number, leave us a rating on BGG!
Once again, that link is here: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/307305/bullet/ratings?rated=1&pageid=1
Missing Items
If you do not receive a tracking number or you are missing any add-ons, please DO NOT contact us just yet. Some items may be shipping from different locations, and some items may be delayed slightly. Once we complete the bulk of project fulfillment, we will send out a call for any missing items.
Damaged Games
If you receive a damaged game or need replacement components, please go ahead and send a ticket. We are working through a large backlog of tickets, but we hope to have all the missing and replacement parts for Bullet out by the end of April.
We are currently in the process of routing games to Interfulfillment Canada. It's taken us a little longer than expected to get registered for Canadian customs, but we hope to have our games delivered to Canada next week and then shipped by the second week of April.
Europe fulfillment is complete!
However, some add-ons are still coming from the UK, see below.
Europe Non-Bullet Add-ons
For add-ons like sleeves, other L99 games, and the like, we have these items stocked in the UK. Those items should be going out next week.
UK fulfillment will begin at the start of next week.
Australia fulfillment is complete!
Asia fulfillment is complete!
USA fulfillment is complete!
Spanish-Language Editions
Melmac is still in the pre-press stages of delivering their edition, so Spanish-language copies are a few months out. We've transferred your pledges to Melmac Games, so they will keep you up to date via email. You can also continue to check these updates for news. Non-Bullet♥︎ add-ons will still come directly from Level 99 Games.
Japanese-Language Editions
Asobition is finishing up production of their edition, so delivery should begin in the next few months. We've already transferred your pledge information to Asobition, so they will keep you up to date via email. You can also continue to check these updates for news. Non-Bullet♥︎ add-ons will still come directly from Level 99 Games.
Chinese-Language Editions
Banana Games has already finished printing and distributing the Chinese-language edition of Bullet♥︎. If you are in the USA or another zone and are waiting on a Chinese edition, we are arranging this now. Please wait just a few more weeks for updates. Non-Bullet♥︎ add-ons will still come directly from Level 99 Games.